Promote Your Next Event – BIG: 6 Guerrilla Marketing Tactics

Promote Your Next Event – BIG: 6 Guerrilla Marketing Tactics
January 4, 2023 38 view(s)
Promote Your Next Event – BIG: 6 Guerrilla Marketing Tactics

Guerrilla Marketing is a lower cost way out that helps making bold statements and makes you more memorable

Promoting an event is very important but if you already have spent all your money and striving for an effective way to promote without cash – this is the right way! Successful marketing is the hardest part for any event planning and that is when guerilla marketing comes into the picture. If you are running out of cash or have a little amount of it which is not sufficient for the promotion, this doesn’t mean that you cannot obtain the spotlight for your event, all you need is to be a little creative.

With traditional marketing, you need to make experiments to keep it fresh on the contrary, guerilla is a great way to break the comfort zones of making successful promotions. Here we are going to explore a few very effective ways that can fetch you the desired exposure with minimal cash.

Effective Guerrilla Marketing Ways

1) Social Media

Without any surprise, social media is the most obvious pick to start the discussion. Having viral contents can provide massive exposure to the events and you have so many options to hit the nail on the head. You can also think of creating images, gifs, videos that your viewers can relate to. Otherwise, you can get a hashtag trend too which relates to your event and get people respond to that.

You need to assure the fact that you are using all the available channels and you’ve better understanding about your audience. There are social media like; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram for successful promotion of your event. The best thing about social media promotion is that it is absolutely in your control and flexible for your budget. You know who would get interested in your project because they are already following you.

2) Bloggers and Journalists

Blogs are very effective for gathering attention of your viewers and for that you need to hire a professional blogger and provide them with a good story about your event and they will come up with engaging blogs that will promote the big day. It could be about the celebrity, guests or the event that you are organizing. You can offer them a press pass if they are interested in attending the event. You need to do some research before you hire a blogger. Ask them for previous work to ensure they are well worded and their quality of work is high enough to be associated with your business

3) Website Re-branding

It’s a great approach to inform the visitors about an upcoming event. You can think of changing the colors, themes and design of your website for a limited period of time to create the vibe about a particular event. You can think of creating a landing page that would directly take the visitors to the event details and FAQs. You can also use pop-ups for commonly used and most visited pages. The main thing that you need to keep in mind that stick to the brand but make it stand out so that visitors can realize there is something!


4) Unique Ad Ideas

You can mix the traditional art of advertising with some unconventional ways that would get the attention of the audience. This can be done on a larger scale. Once Nivea did something like this – with their ad on a magazine was actually a solar panel mobile charger for the readers. It made people talk about the brand all over the city.

5) Gamification

Gamification is a great marketing strategy that can turn the promotion of your event more fun and engaging to the potential attendees. You can create some real world treasure hunting game that will reveal clues about the event. This is an effective way to engage people and create buzz about the event amongst those who are playing. They will share the clues on the social media and will encourage others to play as well.

6) Online News Letter

This is a budget friendly as well as traditional way that can engage attendees and followers to send out an online newsletter. You need to remember that it will not be very effective if that is done badly but it is very useful and require minimal budget and work. You need to keep them up to date with the latest news of the event and don’t forget to offer exclusive discounts, insider info and first-look videos or guest interviews.


Now you have 6 very engaging budget-friendly marketing tricks that can boost viewers and promote the event successfully to the targeted demographic. The ultimate goal is to be creative, bold and original at the same time to get your event and brand out there. If you can think outside of the box, you will get noticed and this doesn’t mean you need to spend the big bucks.